Ah, the joys of showcasing pens online. Sounds simple, right? Until you try to get the perfect photos. Here’s a peek into my maddening process:
Gear Nightmares - Dust off the DSLR, and suddenly, you're a midnight photography student muttering about aperture and ISO. My Pixel 8 Pro does a better job than my Sony A7.
Lighting Woes - Natural light? Perfect—if the sun cooperates. Artificial light? Meet your new nemesis: shadow monsters.
Background Battles - White is too bright, black is too dark, and everything else distracts. Now, your living room looks like a failed art project.
Detail Drama - Capturing nib details? Requires surgeon-like steadiness. Shaky hands? Every shot looks like it's during an earthquake.
Editing Hell - Finally, a decent shot! But post-processing turns your elegant pen into a neon nightmare. Photoshop is both friend and foe.
Consistency Chaos - Your gallery looks like it’s from multiple websites. Standardising feels like herding cats.
Feedback Frenzy - Friends' feedback: “Nice, but different angle?” Resist throwing the camera out the window.
Getting perfect pen pics is a labour of love—heavy on the labour. But when you nail it, it's like hitting the jackpot. Until then, keep calm and use Photoshop. Well, I use Ashampoo PhotoOptimiser as it's good value for money.